Whitney Duim, Ph.D.
Research Associate [email protected] Whitney received her Ph.D. in chemistry from Stanford University. She worked in the laboratory of W. E. Moerner, performing single-molecule and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (dSTORM) of Huntington’s disease protein aggregation. Whitney then continued her research on super-resolution microscopy as a postdoc with Joerg Bewersdorf and James Rothman at Yale University, where she imaged the Golgi apparatus with dSTORM and W-4PiSMSN (whole-cell 4Pi single-molecule switching nanoscopy). Before joining the Olson lab, she served as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Harvey Mudd College for two years. Currently, Whitney is interested in studying the mechanisms by which psychedelic drugs promote neural plasticity using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. |