ChemicaL NeuroscienceOur lab studies a class of compounds that we call psychoplastogens, or small molecules capable of promoting neural plasticity. Such compounds have enormous potential for treating a wide variety of neuropsychiatric diseases including depression, anxiety disorders, and addiction. We use a combination of synthetic chemistry, molecular neurobiology, and behavioral neuropharmacology to 1) understand the fundamental mechanisms underlying the effects of psychoplastogens on the nervous system, and 2) develop next generation neurotherapeutics.
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The Olson Lab plays an integral role in advancing the mission of the UC Davis Institute for Psychedelics and Neurotherapeutics (IPN).
For more info about the IPN go to: |
In this Nature Research Webcast, David presents Olson Lab research on psychoplastogens and discusses these unique molecules with Retsina Meyer and Kurt Rasmussen
David provides the voiceover for Delix's short video on the therapeutic potential of non-hallucinogenic psychoplastogens
David Speaks to Pharmacy Times about psychoplastogens and their potential for treating brain diseases
David discusses our research on the BBC
Profile of our lab by The Conversation
mind + moldable + to produce
mind + moldable + to produce